Darn Good All Purpose Batter is a light, corn based coating for frying meats and vegetables, just roll seafood in DGS All Purpose Batter, fry into golden brown,
All Purpose Batter & Fish Fry 1lb
Out of Stock
Corn Flour, Salt, Corn Meal, Granulated Garlic, Lemon Powder, Granulated Onion, Granulated Sugar, Paprika, Red Pepper, Chili Powder (Spices, Salt, Garlic Powder, and Silicon Dioxide added to prevent caking) Black Pepper.
MSG Free
Calories : 50
Total Fat : 0.5
Cholesterol : 0
Sodium : 570mg
Total Carbohydrates : 10
Sugars : 0 (Sugar is listed as an ingredient but it's an insignificant amount)
Protein: 1